Monday, April 20, 2015

" So long, Farewell..."

We are in our final week of language school. This time has been so blessed. God has blessed us with so many opportunities to see Him in the people we meet on the streets. We have had many opportunities to speak of Him with those around us. God also has blessed us with many opportunities to share our testimony. This shouldn't be surprising to us. He always seems to bring a group of people to us with at least one English speaking person who can translate our testimony to the rest of the group. Praise you Jesus!

This past weekend we were blessed with an opportunity to see the second oldest Catholic Church in Peru. It just so happens to be in Huanchaco which is a short ten minute drive away. It was amazing to see one of the places where the church had started in Peru.

We are excited to be returning to Picota. Next Sunday starts our 18 hour bus ride. We are hoping that it is only going to be that long but this time we are going to plan for a much longer journey just in case. We are praying that there will be no mudslides during our journey. As much as we enjoyed the beautiful mountain delay we are hoping for a shorter return trip but God only knows how long it is going to be.

(This is the view from the church.)

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