Mid week I was feeling very tired and frustrated. To make matters worse while I was on my way to lead a Bible study in the high school in a nearby town when I was pulled over by the police at one of their check points. Normally this is not a problem once the police realize that I am a missionary working with the diocese they let me go. On this day the officer was not impressed with my paperwork or my story. He informed me that he could put me in jail, but after awhile he let me leave. Once I arrived at the school I found no one there... No school today! Now all I could think was "Great the only good road back has that police check point." I decided to take the bad road that looks more like a farm lane which winds through the jungle.
Segundo and his family |
As I turned onto the path no one in our group has ever taken including the priests, I'm not going to lie I was a little nervous, but I kept going. As I continued to drive all of a sudden there was a group of houses. I instantly felt the Holy Spirit telling me to stop and to share the Bible study I had prepared with the people. Yet I thought of the rule we were given "Do not go alone because the people do not know that you are missionaries and are working with us." But how could I deny the Lord?
The Bamboo Bridge |
So I prayed and went cautiously to these people. First I asked them permission to come and share the Word of God with them. They said pass and giggled. Why? Because to pass meant that I had to cross the bamboo bridge. Let's just say I did not make it across dry.
Once I made it across I asked if they were Christians. They replied that they did not know. I then shared my Bible study on Jesus and explained how we receive our salvation through Him. I then gave them my Bible since they did not have one. We prayed together and they invited me back to teach them more about Jesus.
This time when I crossed the shaky little bridge I was able to stay dry. I continued on my way Praising the Lord. God is so Good!!! ~Taylor
What a beautiful gift to be able to share gospel with that village. I'm sure I would have been wet on both times crossing the bridge!!! :)